I. semester (both courses)

College Teacher mandatory/optional code ECTS
Basics of entrepreneurship Ana Marija Alfirević mandatory 33305 6
Informatics I Vedran Uroš mandatory 33306 3
Business English I Ph.D. Marijana Drinovac Topalović mandatory 228765 4
Business mathematics Željko Zrno mandatory 33308 6
Basics of economy Lovorka Blažević
Sanja Jurić
mandatory 33309 6
Commercial Law Ph.D.Sc. Mirko Goreta mandatory 33310 5
Physical education and sports Slaven Dragaš mandatory 36983 0

II. semester (both directions)

College Teacher mandatory/optional code ECTS
Basics of accounting Lovorka Blažević
Nikolina Grizelj
mandatory 33311 7
Company law Ph.D. Branko Peran mandatory 33312 5
Market research Ph.D. Valentina Vinšalek Stipić mandatory 229530 6
Business statistics Željko Zrno
Lucija Lać
mandatory 33314 5
Business English II Ph.D. Marijana Drinovac Topalović mandatory 228766 4
Informatics II Vedran Uroš mandatory 33316 3
Physical education and sports Slaven Dragaš mandatory 72461 0

III. semester (both directions)

College Teacher mandatory/optional code ECTS
Internal trade operations Nikolina Grizelj mandatory 229507 7
Tax system of the Republic of Croatia Lovorka Blažević
Damir Vlaic
mandatory 229508 6
Management of small companies Ph.D.Sc. Željko Mateljak mandatory 229514 7
Sales and distribution Matea Nakic
Petar Kurbaš
mandatory 229523 6
Business English III Ph.D. Marijana Drinovac Topalović
Mirela Šalković
mandatory 33321 4
Physical education and sports Slaven Dragaš mandatory 72462 0

IV. semester (major: Business Administration)

College Teacher mandatory/optional code ECTS
Foreign trade business Sanja Jurić mandatory 229056 6
Consumer behavior Ph.D.Sc. Linda Martić Koran mandatory 229531 6
Basics of marketing Ph.D. Linda Martić Koran mandatory 50217 6
Business banking Matea Nakic mandatory 229532 6
Mathematics in economics Željko Zrno mandatory 93922 6
Theory and organization of tourism Ph.D. Miro Stipić mandatory 93943 6
Business security, production and entrepreneurship M.Sc. sc. Ante Gugić
Matea Nakic
Vedran Uroš
electoral 36980 6
Physical education and sports Slaven Dragaš mandatory 72463 6

IV. semester (major: Small entrepreneurship)

College Teacher mandatory/optional code ECTS
Small business marketing Matea Nakic mandatory 33325 6
Entrepreneurial design Ana Marija Alfirević mandatory 33326 6
Business infrastructure Ana Marija Alfirević mandatory 33327 6
Business banking Matea Nakic mandatory 229532 6
Mathematics in economics Željko Zrno mandatory 93922 6
Theory and organization of tourism Ph.D. Miro Stipić mandatory 93943 6
Business security, production and entrepreneurship M.Sc. sc. Ante Gugić
Matea Nakic
Vedran Uroš
electoral 36980 6
Physical education and sports Slaven Dragaš mandatory 72463 6

V. semester (major: Trade operations)

College Teacher mandatory/optional code ECTS
Business communication Ph.D.Sc. Linda Martić Koran mandatory 229498 6
Business insurance Assoc. Ph.D. Damir Mihanović mandatory 33347 6
Product development and design Ph.D.Sc. Linda Martić Koran mandatory 33324 6
Strategic financial management Ph.D. Valentina Vinšalek Stipić electoral 229504 6
Stock market business Matea Nakic electoral 229501 6
Project management Maja Ercegovac electoral 36968 6

V. semester (major: Small entrepreneurship)

College Teacher mandatory/optional code ECTS
Business communication Ph.D.Sc. Linda Martić Koran mandatory 229498 6
Project management Maja Ercegovac mandatory 36968 6
Quality control Damir Mihanović, Ph.D mandatory 36970 6
Strategic financial management Ph.D. Valentina Vinšalek Stipić electoral 229504 6
Stock market business Matea Nakic electoral 229051 6
Business insurance Assoc. Ph.D. Damir Mihanović electoral 33347 6

YOU. semester (both directions)

College Teacher mandatory/optional code ECTS
Professional practice Ph.D. Mirko Goreta mandatory 39004 8
Final work mandatory 39005 10
Crisis management in business Assoc. Ph.D. Damir Mihanović electoral 45354 6
International economy Ph.D. Miro Stipić electoral 36979 6
Trade and freelance business Matea Nakic electoral 85667 6

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