Petra Krešimira IV 30, 22300 Knin


The right to access information is based on the principles of publicity and free access, timeliness, completeness and accuracy of information, the principle of equality, and the principle of disposing of information by Article 5. paragraph 1. point 5. of the Act “encompasses the user’s right to request and obtain information as well as the obligation of the public authority to provide access to the requested information, i.e. to publish information independently of the request when such publication results from an obligation determined by law or other regulation”.

The right to access and reuse information is exercised by submitting a request to the information officer of the University of Applied Sciences, “Marko Marulic“ of Knin.

Law on the right to access information:



Criteria for determining the amount of compensation for actual material costs and the costs of providing information

Form 2: Request for access to information

Form 3: Request to supplement or correct information

Form 4: Request for reuse of information

Complaint against decision re-use of information

Complaint against access to information solutions

Complaint silence of management reuse of information

Complaint about the silence of the administration, access to information

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Petra Krešimira IV 30, 22300 Knin
OIB: 13664089430
IBAN: HR7424070001100148180 | SWIFT: OTPVHR2X


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