Student union

The Polytechnic Student Union is a non-partisan and apolitical body which, according to the still valid Law on the Student Union (Official Gazette 71/07), consists of all students studying at the Polytechnic, and is completely independent in its activities.

On 07/07/2006, the “Marko Marulić” Polytechnic Student Union received a certificate of registration in the Register of Student Unions managed by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia, and since then it has been officially operating at the Polytechnic.

The first elections for student representatives at the Polytechnic were held in December 2005. year, and in such a way that two representatives were chosen from each study conducted at the Polytechnic.

In the next elections, two representatives will be elected from each year of each study program at the Polytechnic.

The FUNDAMENTAL TASKS of the student union are the participation of students in the governing bodies of the Polytechnic and the care of:

  • organization and implementation of student programs in the field of higher education, science, culture, sports, technical culture and other areas of interest to students
  • organization and implementation of programs that affect the socio-economic position of students
  • the appointment of student representatives in the bodies of international student organizations and other organizations in which student representatives of which the Republic of Croatia is a member participate
  • giving suggestions on monitoring and improving the position of students (economic and social)
  • providing incentives for adopting or changing regulations of interest to students
  • other tasks specified by law or statute

The Polytechnic Student Union acts through its bodies: the assembly and the presidency.

The Assembly of the Student Union of the Polytechnic consists of all elected student representatives.

The tasks of the Assembly of the Polytechnic Student Union are:

  • adopts the Statute of the Student Union of the Polytechnic by a two-thirds majority of the members present
  • elects the President and Deputy President of the Student Union of the Polytechnic, who are also the representatives of the students in the Professional Council of the Polytechnic;
  • elects the student ombudsman
  • elects professional bodies of the Polytechnic Student Union;
  • passes general acts;
  • passes the budget;
  • approves the report on the work and operations of the Student Union of the Polytechnic, on the final account and makes decisions about it;
  • performs other tasks established by law and this statute.

The Presidency of the Polytechnic Student Union consists of the President of the Polytechnic Student Union and his deputy elected by the Assembly for a period of 1 year.

They are also student representatives in the Professional Council of the Polytechnic, as well as members of the Presidency of Croatian Student Unions.

The tasks of the Presidency of the Polytechnic Student Union are:

  • proposes the Statute of the Polytechnic Student Union;
  • proposes general acts;
  • represents the interests of students in the Professional Council of the Polytechnic and participates equally with other members of the Professional Council of the Polytechnic in making decisions that are within the scope of work of the Professional Council of the Polytechnic;
  • submits to the Assembly a report on the work and operations of the Polytechnic Student Union;
  • appoints and dismisses trustees;
  • gives an opinion on the financing of student associations operating in the area of ​​the Polytechnic;
  • proposes the budget;
  • performs other duties established by law and statute of the Polytechnic Student Union.

The President of the Student Union is responsible to the Assembly of the Student Union.

At its founding assembly, the Student Union adopted the Statute as a fundamental act for its activities. The statute is harmonized with the already mentioned Law on the Student Union.

The Polytechnic provides the space and equipment necessary for the functioning of the Student Union.

The Student Union has very good relations with the Polytechnic, and most of the problems that students have, which are within the power of the Polytechnic, are resolved to mutual satisfaction.

On its website, the Polytechnic has secured a space that will be used by the Student Union of the Polytechnic, and which will very soon be filled with contents related to the work of the Student Union.

Statute of the Student Union

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