Entries through NISPDS
- Specialist graduate study

Conditions and methods of student enrollment and study costs in the academic year 2023/2024

Regular students who achieve 55 ECTS points or more are entitled to a full tuition subsidy. If they fulfil all study obligations, they can enrol in a higher year of study without paying tuition.

Regular students who have not fulfilled all study obligations from 2022/2023 to September 30, 2023, and have achieved 48 ECTS points acquire the right to enrol in a higher year of study in the following academic year. Suppose a student enrols in courses that must be passed in the winter semester, the student is obliged to participate in tuition fees so that the amount of tuition is determined according to each unearned ECTS point, counting from the total number achieved to the total number of 60 ECTS points in all failed subjects. Regular students are obliged to register failed subjects immediately before the beginning of the semester to which the subject belongs, with the fact that they are given the right to take all failed subjects from the summer semester, which ends on February 29, 2024. If they fulfil all study obligations by the specified deadline, they will enrol in all courses from the summer semester for several years without participation in tuition fees. If students do not fulfil their obligations, i.e. if they do not pass all subjects from the summer semester, they participate in tuition fees in such a way that the amount of tuition is determined according to each unearned ECTS point, counting from the total number of points achieved up to the whole number of 60 ECTS points.

Regular students who do not meet the requirements for enrollment in the senior year of study, i.e. those who are who achieved less than 48 ECTS credits in the same year, re-enrol in the same year and pay the partial amount of tuition according to the number of credits not achieved in the winter semester. These students can take the courses from the summer semester until February 29, 2024, after which the total number of ECTS points achieved and the final amount of tuition for the academic year 2023/2024 will be determined.

Students who have previously enrolled in the course from September 11 to September 30, 2023, acquire the right to enrol in the higher year of studies when they fulfil all the study obligations that they assumed by enrolling in the previous year of studies, i.e. if they have achieved 48 or more ECTS points from the previous study year to September 30, 2023.

Students who have acquired the right to enrol in the senior year of study in the winter semester enrol in all compulsory subjects, provided that the semester’s study program and optional subjects have up to 35 ECTS points.

Full-time students who have earned 55 ECTS credits are entitled to a full tuition subsidy.

Students who have not achieved 48 ECTS points by September 30, 2023, are obliged to re-enrol in subjects for which they did not fulfil the teaching obligations and did not pass the exams and to enrol in new subjects from a higher study year but so that their total study obligations in a particular semester amount to 25 to 35 ECTS points.

To students of the 1st year who still need to pass the exams in the subjects from the 2nd year of the semester, enrollment in the academic year 2023/2024 is approved, with the right to take all failed exams from the 2nd semester of the previous year of study until February 29, 2024, taking into account that students can take the exam from the same subject a maximum of four times and that the fourth time the exam is taken before a three-member teaching committee.

 Students of the 2nd year with the remaining exams from the courses of the 4th semester may enrol in the academic year 2023/2024 and take all failed exams from the 4th semester of the previous year of study until February 29, 2024, taking into account that students can take the exam from the same subject a maximum of four times and that the fourth time the exam is taken before a three-member teaching committee.

 Students enrolling in the final academic year (graduate students) could enrol if they have signatures on all completed courses, i.e. if they were not banned from taking the exam by the teacher.

Enrollment costs are paid by all who will study as full-time and part-time students. The registration fee is EUR 40 (HRK 301.38), paid to the University of Applied Sciences „Marko Marulic“’s IBAN.

You can download the registration fee form at the link: REGISTRATION PAYMENT.

You can download the tuition payment form at the link: TUITION PAYMENT

Students who pay for the professional undergraduate course Trade Business with Entrepreneurship in the status full-time students with personal needs and part-time students pay tuition for 729.98 EUR (5,500.03 HRK).

 Graduate students of Trade Business with Entrepreneurship (full-time students with personal needs and part-time students) pay tuition in the amount of 50% of the tuition fee for full-time students with personal needs and part-time students, i.e. EUR 364.99 (HRK 2,750.02)

 Students who pay for the professional diploma course Economic and Normative Framework of Entrepreneurship pay tuition for EUR 978.17 (HRK 7,370.02).

 Graduate students of the Economic and Normative Framework of Entrepreneurship (full-time students with personal needs and part-time students) pay tuition in the amount of 50% of the tuition fee for full-time students with personal needs and part-time students, i.e. 489.08 EUR (3,685.05 HRK)

 Students who pay for the professional undergraduate study of Food Technology, Karst Agriculture – Plant Production, and Karst Agriculture – Karst Animal Husbandry in the status of full-time students pay tuition for EUR 489.09 (HRK 3,685.05) in addition to personal needs.

Graduate students of Food Technology and Karst Agriculture (regular students with personal needs) pay tuition in the amount of 50% of the tuition fee for regular students with personal needs, i.e. EUR 489.08 (HRK 3,685.05)

Students who have completed ten years of study have the right to renew their enrollment as part-time or full-time students with payment on the condition that all passed exams are recognized. They will be allowed to enrol in the academic year by recognized exams and ECTS credits. They will pay tuition according to the provisions of the Decision in the conditions, the method of student enrollment, and study costs in the academic year 2023/2024, depending on which course they enrol in. Students must enrol in subjects they did not take and pass, or that differ from the curriculum of their first enrollment.

 The enrollment fee is EUR 40 (HRK 301.38) and is paid to the University of Applied Sciences „Marko Marulic“’s account (IBAN: HR7424070001100148180)

Tuition for full-time students with payment and part-time students on the professional undergraduate course Trade Business with Entrepreneurship is EUR 729.98 (HRK 5,500.03).

Students can pay the tuition fee once via a general payment slip or in instalments by card.

  • PBZ: American Express, MasterCard, Maestro and Visa
  • Erste Card Club: MasterCard, Maestro, Visa, Vpay, Diners Club International)

Amount of ECTS credits in HRK and EUR every year 22 23

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Petra Krešimira IV 30, 22300 Knin
OIB: 13664089430
IBAN: HR7424070001100148180 | SWIFT: OTPVHR2X


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