
At the instigation of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, the Information System for Student Nutrition (ISSP) was introduced, for the purpose of subsidized nutrition for students of the University of applied sciences „Marko Marulić“ of Knin.

On that occasion, at the beginning of the academic year 2006/2007; The Ministry of Science, Education and Sports and the Center for Rights Authorization (CAP) concluded a contract with the “Kralj Zvonimir” OSRH House in Knin on the provision of student catering services.

At the beginning of November 2006 In 2008, the restaurant in the “Kralj Zvonimir” Home of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Serbia started providing subsidized meals for students with the temporary use of food vouchers, with the simultaneous establishment of infrastructure for connection to the ISSP central system.

From 1. March 2007 student identification cards (IKS), popularly called “iksice”, were introduced, and food vouchers were abolished from that date. You can find out more about “iksica” at

The student card is non-transferable, which means that it can only be used by the person whose name it is on. Violation of the rules on the use of the card is considered its misuse.

Jurisdiction over data on student rights lies with the institution of higher education, which is responsible for taking care of and updating data on the rights of its students.

Possible complaints due to denied rights and all other problems related to the student card will be resolved by the student exclusively in the student registration office.
All other information about the student nutrition system, as well as the balance on the card, can be found at

The rules for awarding subsidies are determined by the Ordinance on nutrition to cover the costs of student nutrition .

You can find the prices of subsidized items in the Dom OSRH restaurant “Kralj Zvonimir”, Pleter-usluge doo at .

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