Study: Undergraduate professional study Food Technology (level 6 according to HKO)
Duration of studies: 3 years (180 ECTS points)
Professional undergraduate study Food Technology (level 6 according to HKO)
Professional title: bachelor’s degree (baccalareus/bacalaurea), food technology engineer (bacc. ing. techn. aliment.)
The main goal of the professional study of food technology is the development of “professional skills” necessary for the fastest possible inclusion of future experts in the work process in various branches of the economy and small and medium-sized enterprises, and the continuation of education at university studies with the fulfillment of certain conditions.
During the first year of study, students listen to basic subjects (modules), which provides them, in general education and some basic professional contents, a quality basis for further easier monitoring and understanding of various technological and specialist contents. In the final semester, students exclusively perform professional practice in the Innovation and Technology Center of the Polytechnic and the food industry sector, and in cooperation with their mentors they prepare a final thesis.
In the fifth semester, students are given the opportunity to expand their knowledge with optional subjects, that is, to specialize more closely in certain food technologies through a group of selected subjects.
During their studies, students acquire basic and specialist knowledge, based on which they will be trained for independent work in their own or co-owned companies focused on the production and trade of quality food.
Upon completion of the studies, the participants will be able to:
• understand and apply appropriate methods in performing professional tasks in food and related industries
• work independently in an analytical laboratory and interpret data obtained by laboratory methods in food analysis and use the basic settings of food analysis according to valid legal regulations and norms
• evaluate basic terms related to food quality and safety, with management systems and quality assurance in the food industry.
• evaluate basic terms related to food safety
• perform an analytical assessment of the healthiness and quality of raw materials/food of animal origin
• interpret the main characteristics of individual raw materials, individual food ingredients and the importance of proper nutrition
• be educated to continue graduate studies in the field of food technology
• qualified to establish and manage their own processing of food products
• communicate in a foreign language and be ready for teamwork