I. semester

College Teacher Code ECTS
Botany Ph.D. Boris Dorbic 33281 3
Chemistry Žana Delic
Ph.D. Andrijana Kegalj
229259 6
Basics of mathematics in agriculture Željko Zrno 94277 2
Informatics Vedran Uroš 229292 2
General microbiology Ph.D. Andrijana Kegalj 229296 3
Management in agriculture Ph.D. Branka Stipanović 85627 6
Introduction to agroeconomics Ph.D. Branka Stipanović 229362 3
Introduction to agroecology Marko Šusta 229364 3
English language Marijana Drinovac Topalović, Ph.D 93945 2
Physical education and sports Slaven Dragaš 36983 0

II. semester

College Teacher Code ECTS
Karst amelioration Marko Duvančić
Tomislav Svalina
229461 6
Karst pedology Marko Šusta 229462 6
Plant nutrition Marko Šusta 229465 3
Introduction to plant physiology Marko Jelić, Ph.D 33292 3
Basics of genetics Andrijana Kegalj, Ph.D 33293 3
Basics of plant breeding Anita Pamuković 229468 3
Plant growing operations Anita Pamuković
Marko Šusta
229470 6
Physical education and sports Slaven Dragaš 72461 0

III. semester

College Teacher Code ECTS
Seed production and nursery production Ph.D. Boris Dorbic 229447 6
Medicinal, aromatic and honey plants Boris Dorbić, Ph.D 229450 6
Agricultural technology in karst conditions Marko Duvančić 229454 6
Basics of protecting plants from pests Anita Pamuković 229455 6
Fruit growing Marko Šusta 229458 6
Physical education and sports Slaven Dragaš 72462 0

IV. semester

College Teacher Code ECTS
Ornamental plants Boris Dorbić, Ph.D 229472 6
Viticulture Marko Duvančić 229475 6
Vegetable growing Tomislav Svalina 229477 6
Basics of protecting plants from diseases Anita Pamuković
Tomislav Svalina
229481 6
Wine technology Marko Duvančić
Marko Šusta
Tomislav Svalina
229489 6
Physical education and sports Slaven Dragaš 72463 0

V. semester

College Teacher Code ECTS
Basics of fruit and vegetable processing Emilija Friganović
Marko Šusta
229494 6
Procedures and equipment in the finalization of medicinal plants Tomislav Svalina
Emilija Friganović
229496 6
Display and processing of data Željko Zrno
Vedran Uroš
229341 3
Karst geomorphology Marko Duvančić 38976 3
Olive growing Tomislav Svalina 229497 3
Microbial biotechnology in fruit and viticulture production Marko Duvančić 229499 3
Wild fruit Tomislav Svalina 38979 3
Protected areas Marko Šusta
Tomislav Svalina
229500 3
Ecological agriculture Marko Šusta
Ph.D. Iva Ljubičić
229342 3
Safety in the production of plant-based food Ljiljana Nanjara, MSc 229502 3
Designing gardens and orchards Ph.D. Boris Dorbic 229503 3
Insect pollination technology Marko Duvančić 38982 3
Protected natural values ​​on the karst Ph.D.Sc. Boris Dorbic 229505 3
Agricultural phytocenology Anita Pamuković 229347 3

YOU. semester

College Teacher Code ECTS
Professional practice Anita Pamuković 38983 24
Final work 38984 6

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